
Take Five

Take Five is a safe, universal resilience building skill set based on breathing, grounding and awareness. It is based on the idea that wellbeing, resilience and academic success go hand in hand. 

Each day, pupils across school take part in Take Five practices. Our Take Five Pupil Ambassadors lead the sessions and their enthusiasm and focus for this is what makes this work so well- the pupils are the drivers for it. The focus of the intervention is on breathing to boost well being and resilience and our Take Five ambassadors promote well-being in lessons and during assemblies. 

Miss Cheyette is our Take Five Champion. Please don't hesitate to speak to her if you have any questions or use the link below for more information:



 Pupils have their own Safeguarding notice board with prompts on it to promote their well-being. This could be staying safe online., dealing with friendship issues or making sure they know they always have someone in school they can talk to and share a problem with. 


Brain Boosts

Our pupils are served complimentary toast every morning breaktime- we find this really gives our brain power a boost mid morning. Research shows that there are physical and cognitive perks to a healthy snack. We really spoil the pupils on 'jam Friday' days! Pupils also have access to fresh fruit and milk and the EYFS pupils enjoy their snack time as part of their morning provision. We are very lucky to have our own water fountain in school serving chilled water and pupils are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school and to refill it throughout the day. 


SCARF Slots 

We have a weekly slot where pupils are in small groups, pairs or one to one with an adult to explore important social and emotional issues and ideas. This is a key part of our PSHE curriculum to support our pupil's with their relationships and well-being. 




