Mattersey Primary School

Inclusion, Equality and Diversity

Key Documents:


MPS British Values Policy 2024

At Mattersey Primary School we are committed to ensuring all pupils are treated with respect and are given every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity or background.

Our school aims to be an inclusive school. This means that equality of opportunity must be a reality for all our children and all our committed to this. 

The staff at Mattersey are aware of the specific needs of individuals and groups of children in the school and plan the curriculum so that these needs are met on a daily basis.


Equality Objectives 2024-2027

Objective 1: To celebrate cultural diversity and increase pupil awareness and understanding.

Objective 2: To raise the attainment and improve the achievement of children with SEND and vulnerable pupils in the core areas of learning.

Objective 3: To review levels of parental and pupil engagement in learning and school life, across all activities to ensure equity and fairness in access and engagement.


Picture News 

We use Picture News to support learning and development in class and whole school assemblies. 

Picture News Coverage Document England - Spring 1 2024

Picture News Coverage Document England - Spring 2 2024

Picture News Coverage Document England - Summer 1 2024


Hive Class Special Assembly- the Protected Characteristics: March 2024

Working with Picture News, the Hive attended a special live webinar to support their understanding of the protected characteristics and diversity. 

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South Yorkshire
DN10 5ED

01777 817265